I HAVE RETURNED!!! Why I've been quiet these past couple weeks, and an update on my next project
Yeah, I know. I said I would update at least once a week. Then Alien Pixels From Outer Space released, and no updates after that until now. The reason for this is that there just hasn't been much of note to talk about since then. I kind of took a break due to fatigue after the last push to get the game out. Well, I'm back to it, and about to start my next project. Sorry about not communicating that I was taking a break. I'm still a bit new to the whole blogging thing, and honestly forgot about it for a couple weeks. I'll make a better effort to keep you guys updated in the future. My next project is based on something I made during a Ludum Dare in the Spring of 2017. I worked hard on it, but ended up with something that was really incomplete. The collision detection was terrible. It was either non-existent or objects were getting stuck on each other. Both of these extremes manifested themselves in the same build, and I couldn't figure out how to make it work prope...